Dati dell'aeromobile


Daher TBM 930 POH

Page 1.2.1 Length 35.22 ft
Page 1.2.2 Wing span 42.1 ft
Page 2.6.13 Maximum altitude 31000 ft (9449 m)
Page 2.2.1 Airspeed limitations
Vmo maximum operating speed 266 KIAS
Vle maximum landing gear extended speed 178 KIAS
Vlo maximum landing gear operating speed
extension 178 KIAS
retraction 150 KIAS
Va maneuvering speed 158 KIAS
Vfe maximum flaps extended speed
landing 122 KIAS
takeoff 178 KIAS

Normal procedures
Page 4.4.37 Initial climb speed 115 KIAS
Page 4.4.37 In case of initial climb at Vx 100 KIAS
Page 4.4.38 Climb speed 124 KIAS
Page 4.4.42 Landing gear <= 178 KIAS
Page 4.4.42 Flaps position TO <= 178 KIAS
Page 4.4.43 Flaps position LDG <= 122 KIAS
Page 4.4.43 Approach speed without AP 85 KIAS

Page 5.6.1 Stall speeds
4850 lbs, Gear=UP, Flaps=UP, Bank=0° 65 KIAS
4850 lbs, Gear=DN, Flaps=LDG, Bank=0° 53 KIAS
6579 lbs, Gear=UP, Flaps=UP, Bank=0° 75 KIAS
6579 lbs, Gear=DN, Flaps=LDG, Bank=0° 61 KIAS





Procedura di accensione